Wednesday, August 15, 2012

I remember when...

I can clearly remember 2nd grade. Mrs. Pittock was my teacher. She was this extremely homely women who wore long skirts with some extremely intense glasses. Every morning in class, she would go to the piano and we would have to sing My Country Tis of Thee and the Star Bangled Banner, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

I can remember the reading groups we were split into. Getting cheez-it's or jelly beans as a reward being good. Playing on the "lower" school playground, wishing so badly I could go up to the "upper" school playground. I remember the projectors that were set up to watch film reels and how excited we would be when we saw the projector in the classroom - knowing a movie was in our future. A member of the class was designated to hand in the milk and lunch order...and classroom worksheets were copied using a hand crank copy machine. Chalk was actually used to write on a board, footlong hot dog day was the worse because the sauer kraut made me gag.

Looking back, I suppose the funniest thing about 2nd grade was that I looked like George Washington in my school picture....THANKS MOM!!

Typically, I am not one to post these kinds of incriminating and hilarious pictures, but proof is in the picture.

2nd Grade - 1985
So today, Owen started 2nd grade. I am excited for him to create and make memories that will stay with him through life. He will remember his teacher, his classmates - and hopefully how well he behaved. His lunches will be gourmet compared to what we had. Cheese quesdadillas, soup and grilled cheese, salads...they get a 9 course meal. The beef-a-roni that we were offered just doesn't have the same appeal.

Happy first day of 2nd grade Owen!! May your school year be memoriable and your school picture be normal!

Owen's first day of 2nd grade - 8/15/12