Monday, December 10, 2012

Little full....lotta sap!

Ok. So - as we speak, I am supposed to be working on a comprehensive essay for one of my classes...however, I am so easily distracted that I thought I would take the time to update everyone on the Baker family.

Ahhh, it's the Christmas season. Lights! Red Bows! And the challenge of finding a tree that is not dwarfed by the size of the room it needs to fill. Which brings me to Mission 1: Operation - Free Christmas Tree.

I am sure I am not the only one who refuses to pay a lot of money for a tree that will be tossed in a month, so Mike and I decided to head out on the 4-wheeler in search of our perfect tree. This mission was proven difficult the second we were thrown off of the 4-wheeler into a thicket. Thicket? Yeah - I didn't know what it was either. The layman term for thicket I believe is high weeds, but you'll have to ask my hubby to be certain. Even though we were thrown from the 4-wheeler, we picked ourselves up and closed in on the tree of my dreams, only to find out it was only the front half of the tree that was alive. The back side was completing bare. Mission: Failed.

The next day we added another, slightly smaller, much more energized member of our team. Yep - Owen...on his four-wheeler. I thought he would more resilient than Mike and I, but the bumps along the way gave him a belly ache, so Mom to the rescue. I drove his four-wheeler and he rode with Mike. And I can attest! It was bumpy!

In a Lampoon's Christmas Vacation kind of moment - "Ahhhh" with a bright light shining down on it...there is was! The Baker family christmas tree. The kind of tree that wouldn't fit in the front yard:) Happy to have remembered the saw, Mike got to work and chopped that bad boy down, tied it to the four-wheeler and happily pulled it back to the house. Mission accomplished! ...well, almost.

In terms of Christmas trees, I believe this one to be on the larger side. Extremely fragrant. Which I still haven't decided if that is a good thing or bad thing. We saw on the trunk to make it level and proceeded to pull it into the living room. Fairly easy actually. Standing the bad boy up was a whole other challenge, but we did it. Wired it to the wall - VOILA! Ready for decorating. Mmmm, how exactly are you supposed to decorate the top of a 15 ft. christmas tree. Extension lift? Throw the decorations on and hope they stick? 

After an all day affair - without much hope from the smaller, more energetic team member - we succeeded and lit and decorated the tree. I still laugh everytime I see it. It's huge. I mean - big, giant, colossal. But it's ours and I love it!

MISSION ACCOMPLISHED! And I am happy to report there were no squirrels or any other animals living in the tree!

Merry Christmas!!

On a side note - the extra pink stocking is Dixie' - so don't get any ideas! :)

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