First thing this morning, I get a call from my college roomie Jen. (Jen - your my favorite but don't tell the other girls!) She called to wish me a Happy Birthday!! (21 again) and we talked about wedding stuff. All the fun details every girl likes to talk about. I asked her if she was excited to come down and experience the country life...and she was very excited. Her and I have big plans for the country. We plan on making a compound with goats and a garden and a duck sanctuatary. The duck santuary is a whole other subject, but in order to have ducks on the pond we need to get rid of the snapping turtles. Enter Turtle Man.
I tell Jen that Turtle Man doesn't live to far and maybe he can come and catch all of the turtles so that the ducks will be safe on the pond. Jen took that a step further. Maybe Turtle Man will come to the wedding. I will have to send him an invite.
After my conversation with Jen was over, I recieve a text from Mike. Keep in mind- he has no idea what I talked to Jen about. Mike's text says "I think we've seen the Turtle Man!". No way!
Turtle Man Spotting - LIVE ACTION!
I mean - how random is that. Mike, my Dad and Owen were driving behind the Turtle Man this morning. I definitely would have hung my head out the window and done that crazy wildman call he does to see if he did it back to me. Too funny!
I will let you know if Turtle Man makes it to the wedding or not. Could be fun!
Stay cool y'all. It's going to be a scorcher!
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